Seeking Answers, Finding Peace – Part 2
This show concludes with part two of our interview of Dr. Natalie Ford. But first we have the devotion about Giraffes. It's an interesting time as Rose answers questions parents ask. In the second half of the show Natalie explains her journey.
This show concludes with part two of our interview of Dr. Natalie Ford. But first we have the devotion about Giraffes. It's an interesting time as Rose answers questions parents ask. In the second half of the show Natalie explains her journey. Throughout the years, Natalie sought answers and instead found peace--peace that surpasses understanding. In Seeking Answers--Finding Peace, Natalie details the tribulations of dealing with the mental illness of a loved one. Debunking stigma and presenting practical advice, she offers hope to readers whose loved ones have dealt with mental illness or suicide. Read Less