Sweet Tea Secrets from the Deep-Fried South – Part 2

Sweet Tea Secrets from the Deep-Fried South – Part 2

I never thought I'd learn something from a wasp, except maybe to run away. But today's devotion is about The Solitary Wasp. During our Art-n-Crafts section you will learn more about the wasp and learn how to draw them. We also talked about practicing

I never thought I'd learn something from a wasp, except maybe to run away. But today's devotion is about The Solitary Wasp. During our Art-n-Crafts section you will learn more about the wasp and learn how to draw them. We also talked about practicing the rules with your children. In school we spend a couple of weeks going over procedures, parents shouldn't hesitate to do the same. "Johnny, go touch that chair. Johnny, kneel down, stand up." And so forth. By doing this at a young age your children will learn to follow directions the first time you give them. After the break we finish our interview with Jan Jenkins Herlong. Read Less